Saturday, December 17, 2011

Enjoy your old age independently with the products specially designed for you

As humans age, they lose body strength as their bones and muscles get weakened. Many elderly need additional help to perform daily activities. Fortunately, there are numerous home care products that help the elderly people to live their life fully and enjoy every moment.
Several companies have worked to develop products for the senior and disabled population. As a result, there are many new devices now available to help this group perform their daily tasks easily. These products help make it make possible for people to remain in their own homes and communities as long as possible. One of these products is a Bath lift.
Bath lifts allow a user to bathe safely and comfortably. It can be challenging for some people to stand up from a seated position in a bath tub. The wet slippery surface of a bathtub can be the cause of a fall. Because they are afraid of falling or getting stuck in the bath tub, many people will forego a bath that can be so enjoyable and relaxing, for a sponge bath or shower. A bath lift provides a safe and secure way to get up and down in a bath tub. This device allows bathers to soak and bathe independently, without worrying about how they will get out of the tub.
Another device that helps provide independent living is the Guardian Alert. This personal emergency response device enables users to call 911 for any urgent situations like an accident, fall, illness or danger. This device allows users to have a clear communication with the emergency operator from anywhere in and around the house.
The Guardian Alert can be comfortably worn around the neck, clipped on a belt, or carried in a pocket at all times. In an emergency, the user presses the activation button on the Guardian Alert. The pendant immediately calls 911. Within seconds the user can speak directly with the 911 operator through the Guardian Alert pendant.

This device allows users to enjoy the freedom of independent living with no monthly monitoring fee, service charges or contracts.
The above are just a couple examples of devices that are available to assist with independent living.

The experts at My Home For Life are knowledgeable in all the devices that are available and can work with you to develop a solution specific to your loved one. You can easily reach up to the website of these companies and place your order for the product that need for yourself. All products are available at reasonable prices to suit your budget and are delivered soon at your door step.

by: Peterman bath lifts

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