Sunday, October 30, 2011

Indonesian Army History

Indonesian National Army (TNI) was born in the cauldron Indonesian struggle for independence  from the threat of Dutch maintain the ambition to colonize Indonesia again through gun  violence. TNI is an organization that started the development of People's Security Agency  (BKR). Further, on October 5, 1945 became the People's Security Army (TKR), and to improve  arrangements in accordance with international military base, converted into Army of the  Republic of Indonesia (TRI).

In subsequent developments the government's efforts to improve national army went on, as she  fought and fought for the upholding of sovereignty and independence of nations. To unite the  two armed forces is TRI as the regular army and people's struggles agencies, on June 3, 1947  the President authorized the establishment of mengesyahkan with the Indonesian National Army  (TNI).
At critical moments during the War of Independence (1945-1949), the military managed to  manifest itself as a people's army, soldiers of the revolution, and the national army. As  the strength of the newborn, in addition to the TNI organize themselves, at the same time  must also face many challenges, both from within and from abroad. From within the country,  the military face-undermining undermining both the political dimension as well as military  dimensions. Political insurrection comes from communist groups who want to place the  military under their influence through the â € œPepolit, Bureau of Struggle, and the Army- Community:. While the challenges of domestic military dimension of the TNI to face an armed  uprising in some areas and the PKI in the Madiun rebellion and the Darul Islam (DI) in West  Java that could threaten national integrity. Challenges of military overseas twice to face  the Dutch Military Aggression and organizations that have more modern weapons.

Aware of the limitations of the Dutch Armed Forces in the face of aggression, the Indonesian  nation implement the People's War of the Universe in which all military forces and society  and national resources were deployed to confront the aggression. Thus, the integrity and  existence of the Republic of Indonesia has to be maintained by military power along with the  people.
In accordance with the decision of the Round Table Conference (RTC), formed in late 1949 the  Republic of Indonesia (RIS). Correspondingly, also formed the Armed Forces RIS (APRIS) which  is a joint Army and Colonial Army by the TNI as its core. In August 1950 Indonesia RIS  disbanded and returned to the form of unitary state. APRIS was renamed the Armed Forces  (APRI).

Adopted a parliamentary democratic system of government in the period 1950-1959, affecting  the lives of Army. The interference of politicians who are too far in the TNI internal  problems led to the event October 17, 1952 which resulted in a rift within the army. On the  other hand, military intervention was encouraged to get involved in political activities  with the established political parties namely Supporters of Indonesian Independence  Institute (IP-KI) who took part as a contestant in the 1955 General Election.

Period also called the Period of the Liberal Democracy is characterized also by a variety of  domestic rebellion. In 1950 some former members of the Colonial Army launched an uprising in  Bandung (Armed rebellion Ratu Adil / APRA), Andi Azis Rebellion in Makassar, Maluku and  rebellions in the South Maluku Republic (RMS). Meanwhile, DI TII West Java to expand its  influence in South Kalimantan, South Sulawesi and Aceh. In 1958 the Revolutionary Government  of the Republic of Indonesia / Universe People's Struggle (PRRI / Permesta) doing most of  the rebellions in Sumatra and North Sulawesi, which endanger the national integrity. All of  the rebellion can be crushed by the military with the strength of other national components.
Efforts to unify organizations and the armed services into an organization the State Police  of Republika Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI) in the year 1962 was an important part of  military history in the decade of the sixties.

Union of Army forces under one command, is expected to achieve effectiveness and efficiency  in carrying out its role, and not easily influenced by the interests of certain political  groups. However it is facing many challenges, especially from the Indonesian Communist Party  (PKI) as part of international communism had always worked hard to instill its influence  into the fabric of the nation of Indonesia, including the Armed Forces into the body through  infiltration and specific guidance, and by utilizing the influence of President and Supreme  Commander armed forces for political purposes.

PKI efforts intensified, culminating in a coup against the legitimate government by  G30S/PKI, resulting in the Indonesian nation was in a very critical situation. Under such  conditions TNI successfully overcome the critical situation and to quell the power of foiled  coup supporters together with the community strengths and even the entire people of  Indonesia.

If the situation is completely chaotic, the Armed Forces carry out his duties as defense  forces and as a force sospol. As a means of defense forces, rebels attacked the PKI and the  armed forces remains. As the strength of the Armed Forces sospol encourage creation of new  political arrangements for implementing Pancasila and the Constitution of 45 in a genuine  and consistent.
Meanwhile, the Armed Forces continue to reform themselves by establishing an internal  integration. The first step is to integrate the doctrine that eventually gave birth to the  doctrine of the Armed Forces Catur Dharma Eka Karma (Cadek). This doctrine implies the  reorganization of the Armed Forces as well as education and joint exercises between the  Armed Forces and Police. On the other hand, the Armed Forces also conducts external  integration in the form of unity with the people's armed forces are applied through a  program of the Armed Forces Entrance Village (AMD).

Roles, Functions and Duties of the TNI (formerly ABRI) was also amended in accordance with  Law No. 34 of 2004. TNI role as a tool in the defense sector which countries in carrying out  its duties under the state policy and political decisions. Armed Forces as an instrument of  national defense, serving as: an antidote against every form of military threats and armed  threats from outside and within the country against the sovereignty, territorial integrity,  and safety of the nation, penindak against any threats referred to above, and the restorer  of the condition of the state security disrupted by the security chaos.

TNI is the fundamental duty to uphold state sovereignty, defend the territorial integrity of  the Unitary Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of  Indonesia Year 1945, and to protect the entire nation and all the spilled blood of Indonesia  from the threat and disruption of the integrity of the nation and state.

Was divided into two main tasks (two), namely: the military campaign to the war and military  operations other than war.

Military operations other than war include surgery to overcome the armed separatist  movement, overcoming an armed rebellion, combating terrorism, securing the border regions,  safeguard national vital objects that are strategic, world peace perform duties in  accordance with foreign policy, securing the President and Vice President and their  families, empower the defense and force early supporters in accordance with the defense  system of the universe, to help the task of governance in the region, assisting the  Indonesian National Police in the framework of security and public order duties stipulated  in laws, help secure the state level as head of state guests and representatives of foreign  governments who was in Indonesia, to help cope with natural disasters, refugee, and  humanitarian aid, assist search and rescue in an accident (search and rescue) as well as  assist the government in the shipping and aviation security against counterfeiting, piracy  and smuggling.

While in the field of internal reform, the TNI is still continues to carry out internal  reforms in accordance with the demands of national reform. TNI still in its commitment to  keep the internal reforms can achieve the desired objectives in creating a new Indonesia a  better future in the frame of upholding the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. In fact, since  1998 actually internally TNI has made various changes to be significant, among others:

First, formulate a new paradigm of the role of the ABRI Abad XXI, secondly, to formulate a  new paradigm to reach a more military role into the future, as the actualization of the new  paradigm the role of the ABRI Abad XXI; third separation from the Armed Forces Police who  has been a decision of the Armed Forces Head Start 1-4 -1999 as the Transformation of  Beginning; fourth, the removal of the works of the Armed Forces through retirement or  transfer of the status decision. (Kep: 03 /) / II/1999); fifth, the elimination Wansospolpus  and Wansospolda / Wansospolda Tk-I; sixth, shrink the number of members F.TNI / police in  the House of Representatives and the DPRD I and II in the context of the elimination of  political social function; seventh ; TNI is no longer involved in Practical Politics / Day  to Day Politics; eighth, organizationally with the termination of the Golkar Party and take  the same distance with all parties involved; ninth, commitment and consistency of the  neutrality of the TNI in the election; the tenth, the arrangement of military relations with  KBT (Family of TNI); eleventh revision of military doctrine adjusted for Reform and Role of  the Armed Forces XXI Century; twelve, a change of staff as Staff Komsos Sospol; thirteenth,  Chief of Staff of the changes in Social Politics (Kassospol) became Chief of Staff of the  Territorial (caster); Fourteenth, elimination Sospoldam, Babinkardam, Sospolrem and  Sospoldim; fifteenth Syawan liquidation of Staff of the Armed Forces, Armed Forces Staff and  Babinkar KAMTIBMAS Armed Forces; sixteenth, the implementation of public accountability of  foundations belong to the army / military entities; seventeenth, the liquidation of the  Organization Deputy Army Commander, Eighteenth, deletion Bakorstanas and Bakorstanasda;  nineteenth, confirmation candidates from the military KDH has had to retire from the stage  filtration; twentieth, elimination of post vigilance; keduapuluhsatu, removal of material  from the curriculum of the Armed Forces Sospol TNI; keduapuluhdua, the liquidation of the  Organization caster TNI; keduapuluhtiga, the liquidation of Staff of the Social  Communication (Skomsos) TNI Commander of TNI in accordance SKEP No.21 / VI / 2005; twentieth  four, â € œTri doktrinTNI enactment Dharma Eka Karma (Tridek) replacing â € œCatur Dharma  Eka Karma (Cadek) according to the TNI Commander Decision Kep/2/I/2007 number dated January  12, 2007.
As a means of national defense, the military is committed to continue the internal reforms  in line with the demands of military and political decisions of state reform.

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