Sunday, November 27, 2011


A.    Studying Structure and Use
Here, the language study focuses on the structure and use of language forms:
·    The morphology of forms
·    The syntax of phrase, clauses, sentences
·    Vocabulary
·    The meaning and the functions that phrases and sentences can convey
·    Pronunciation
·    Spelling

1.    Language Study Techniques
Ø    Explanation
Is explained a matter by using simple/common language.
Ø    Demonstration
Is explaining the language forms with a situation which shows the language in action and modeling the language.
Ø    Discovery
The student can be encouraged to understand new language forms by discovering them for themselves in a text, or by looking at grammatical evidence in order to work out a grammar rules.
Ø    Immediate creativity
We can ask the students to create their own sentences using the language form
Ø    Check questions
It has function to see the students have understood meaning and use.

2.    Choosing study activities
Ø    Following Planning Participle
We have to think about activities which the students do before and after this study session so that we do not simple repeat the same kind of activity.
Ø    Assessing a language study activity for use in class
We need to decide how effective it will be when we take it into class, when assessing in activity designed for the study of language form. We need to believe that the activity demonstrates meaning and use clearly and that it allows opportunities for a focus on the construction of the language form.
Ø    Evaluating a study activity after use in class
Is part of evaluation involves us in thinking about how we might modify the activity the next time we use it.

B. Example of Language Study Activity
1. Introducing New Language
        This activity focus on the students understanding about what they are talking. The activity, we ask the students to read the text which we are talking, but if the students ever read it, they might more understand and might develop into a quick discussion of what they read and why. While the students do this, they must find out information about what is the talking in the text. And the students can answer comprehension questions. It demonstrates that the students understood.

2.     Discovery Activities
In this activity focus on the students are motivated to work out for themselves how language forms are constructed and used E.g. comparative adjectives in this sample, the student listen to a dialogue about comparing things. Then, the teacher asks the students to find out the word that consist comparative adjectives.

Look At This!
Old    : older
New    : newer
Light    : lighter
Big    : big
Thin    : thinner
Noisy    : noisier
Silly    : sillier
Expensive    : more expensive
Beautiful    : more beautiful

3.     Remembering
     Remembering may be part of an overt correlation stage, part of  a sequence which the teacher has slotted in because students have had trouble with that language in a task, or part of a straightforward revision process where language from  time of time to help students remember them better.
    The following examples of remembering activities all presuppose that the students have already worked on the language areas which they will be using. For example about the structure-past perfect continuous. In this activity, student practice the past perfect continuous. Tense based on prompts from the teacher. They are required to use their imagination and/or as a team game.
    This game-like practice does nothing more or less than force students to make sentences using a particular verb tense. Yet by adding the element of surreal humor it can cause great enjoyment.

“Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamin Ya ALLAH”

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