Sunday, December 18, 2011

Love Horoscope 2012 Secret Tips on Attracting Leo Women

Monthly love horoscope predicts that the Leo woman is very strong, grounded, moral and unwavering. Additionally, Leo women are truly unique and thrive on the things in life they hold dear. Their intelligence, loyalty, steadfast nature, and larger-than-life presence are points that draw others close.

You will gain credibility as her suitor if you take good care of your appearance. Most Leo women devote significant time and energy to maintaining their physical attractiveness. They will exercise vigorously to remain slim and toned; make regular shopping trips to stay abreast of fashion; use expensive hairstyling and beauty products.

To attract your Leo girl on your first date, be calm and reluctant. Give her the lead and appreciate her comments. She loves to be in the center of attraction and can make you crazy by her majestic spell.

Leo women love gold as Leo is the sign that governs pleasure. If you want to seduce a Leo woman then buy her some piece of gold jewellery. If your budget doesn't run to that, then you can gift wrap some chocolates or candies in gold wrapping paper and your Leo girl will be truly impressed by you.

Leo girls also love flattery. So feel free to compliment her as often as it feels appropriate. This flattery also deflects some of her bossiness, so using it is a good ploy to keep her on the edge of her seat. They truly cannot get enough of your attention and adoration, so use this to your advantage to get her into the bedroom fast.

Leos enjoy the better things in life, so the fancier the date you can plan, the more likely you are to impress this individual with expensive tastes. Nice restaurants, good seats to a theater production and fancy gifts will all score you some points with your Leo.

Help a Leo woman to engage in a place that "sounds good" ear crowd and make sure that will not embarrass, because all what they want is to be first, best, boss absolutely . "The state is me" is a motto that has made a career of the Sun King here.

Her tastes are known for being extravagant and regal, she purrs when romanced with finer wine or chocolate, and make reservations at that elegant, upscale restaurant. If you can't afford that, your Leo would prefer a picnic in the park or a slow walk in the city at night. She likes shining lights and deep romantic situations.

by: Della

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