Saturday, February 4, 2012

Make your Own Facebook Chat Faces and Emoticons

As you already know, facebook only support very few emoticons and smileys in facebook chat. [You can get complete list of current facebook emoticons here] So, is there any way you can add more emoticons and icons so that you can surprise your friends and family?

Here is how to create your own facebook chat Faces

With this trick you can create small icon from your facebook profile picture.
1. First go to your facebook profile page
2. Click on the profile picture [on upper left corner]
3. Look at the web-browers address bar. You get url like this

4. Now get the part between ‘.’ and ‘&’ . In above example it is 123489034332189
5. Now go to your facebook chat and type [[123489034332189]]
6. That’s it. You have your own facebook icon in facebook chat.

Here are some examples of facebook icons created from profile pictures

Merry Christmas Facebook chat icons

Type this into facebook chat and it will turns into ‘Merry Christmas’ letters.

[[106596672714242]] [[115430438474268]] [[106699962703083]] [[106699962703083]] [[112416755444217]] [[115602405121532]] [[111356865552629]] [[106699962703083]] [[109294689102123]] [[115927268419031]] [[112669162092780]] [[106596672714242]] [[107015582669715]] [[115927268419031]]

Facebook Like and Dislike buttons into facebook chat

Dislike button – [[343207372372045]]
Like Button – (y)

Some more Facebook Chat Memes

[[171108522930776]] Facebook TroLL Face
[[164413893600463]] MEGUSTA
[[218595638164996]] YAO
[[189637151067601]] Lol
[[129627277060203]] Poker face.
[[227644903931785]] F ALONE.
[[100002752520227]] OKAY
[[105387672833401]] FK YEA.
[[100002727365206]] CH AC.
[[125038607580286]] Forever alone navidad.
[[143220739082110]] FK KIDDING ME.
[[168040846586189]] Feel like a Sir.
[[169919399735055]] NOT BAD.
[[142670085793927]] M O G.
[[170815706323196]] Cereal Guy.
[[167359756658519]] NO
[[224812970902314]] Derp
[[192644604154319]] Derpina

Large Icons created by combing multiple profile pictures

bigger troll face
[[331399223556184]] [[286042634779174]] [[330023780360758]] [[329237617088409]] [[204120926342364]] [[131297490319188]] [[289987304385341]]
[[295847560451136]] [[278880668827213]] [[260560750675461]] [[264494386943951]] [[208640915887167]] [[270643856326606]] [[334868623190983]]
[[265844723474789]] [[325742447454304]] [[207587629327321]] [[294223273948603]] [[323449457679402]] [[258622847533513]] [[242014162533924]]
[[306019522772134]] [[267712979948966]] [[301751889864065]] [[213122875437139]] [[164020277032670]] [[158735217564918]] [[261124587284685]]
[[114261558693806]] [[113889888730617]] [[316407155046042]] [[316473595041291]] [[346326392049037]] [[284570571589911]] [[298670736837009]]
[[219939044752270]] [[336155773063546]] [[131032267012645]] [[155856061183812]] [[208532722565686]] [[268249169896142]] [[204863289602546]]

[[10150425979186326]] [[10150425979236326]] [[10150425979391326]] [[10150425979441326]] [[10150425979466326]] [[10150425979526326]]
[[10150425979626326]] [[10150425979671326]] [[10150425979186326]] [[10150425979186326]] [[10150425979186326]] [[10150425979986326]] [[10150425980006326]]
[[10150425980066326]] [[10150425980101326]] [[10150425980231326]] [[10150425980436326]] [[10150425980451326]] [[10150425980506326]] [[10150425980561326]]
[[10150425980646326]] [[10150425980686326]] [[10150425980756326]] [[10150425980831326]] [[10150425980896326]] [[10150425981096326]] [[10150425981191326]]
[[10150425981251326]] [[10150425981306326]] [[10150425981366326]] [[10150425981406326]] [[10150425981466326]] [[10150425981516326]] [[10150425981591326]]
[[10150425981651326]] [[10150425981796326]] [[10150425981816326]] [[10150425981876326]] [[10150425981906326]] [[10150425981966326]] [[10150425982006326]]
[[10150425982066326]] [[10150425982101326]] [[10150425982131326]] [[10150425982196326]] [[10150425982261326]

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