Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Love For Music

Besides writing short stories, music is one of my hobbies. It's not that I can play music (oh..not at all!). Listening to music is what I love to do. I have a quite huge music collection in my computer as well as in DVDs. But what I had never tried to do is watching live shows of my favorite singers. Well...not until I found a simple way to get concert tickets on the internet lately.

To really enjoy a concert, I prefer some specific seats location in a stadium where I can watch the performer clearly, not only listening to the music. That's why I choose to order tickets in Ticket America where I can pick my favorite seats from their seating chart months before. For this year, and even next year, there are some of my favorite singers who will have their live shows. Engelbert Humperdinck is a male singer I have known since I was a child, and he will perform next month. Anyone who like to join me...please give me a call before I book Trump Taj Mahal Casino Tickets where he would have the live show.

Oh my God, I just found out that Neil Young will also on stage on September. Should I choose Humperdinck show or should I book Ruth Eckerd Hall Tickets instead? We can talk about this later... And Taylor Swift will be the next. She will perform on September too. So I must book Taylor Swift Tickets also in the next few days.

Enough for this year. For next year, I have planned to buy Lincoln Financial Field Tickets to watch U2 performing their live show on July 2011. If you want, we can meet there. But don't forget to buy the tickets months before to get the best seats. I always love music!...

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