Thursday, September 2, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance?

Are you familiar with the reality show of dance competition called So You Think You Can Dance? It’s exciting to see dancers all around the countries perform their best dance styles in a competition. For the contestants it’s a competition, but for the audience it becomes a good entertainment show. All these times we watch it on the TV. But, have you ever thinking about watching the live show? I guess it will be much more glamorous than the TV show!

If you are thinking about watching the live show, there are several theatres in America which perform it at least once. So if you like it, you can first book, for example 1st Mariner Arena Tickets for early October show. And while you are doing that, book also Agganis Arena Tickets for the same show on the week after. Still not enough? Write a reminder in your diary to buy Rose Garden Arena Tickets for November’s live show days before the venue!

I think these shows will be very interesting and useful for you who really like to dance, guys. But for you who -like me- just like to watch dance shows, So You Think You Can Dance still is entertaining. Or maybe you’d think Disney On Ice show is more fun? Well, you can also buy Rabobank Arena Tickets for one of the Disney On Ice shows through the internet.

And how about me? Hmm…I think I’ll just watch those shows on TV from my comfy couch in my small-but-nice home. That’s what I call luxury!!

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