Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Modern Industrial Cooling Concepts and Designs

An effective and efficient cooling system is a must for most industrial operations in business in the world today. While there are a variety of models and designs, most of these systems will be based upon four main categories or "types": The heat exchanger, water cooling, air cooling, and oil cooling. Regardless of the type of system, having the correct equipment function as designed is critical in industry today.

Oil cooling is defined as a process wherein heat is removed from a piece of equipment into a "cooling oil". This oil is circulated through the system and into a cooling unit, such as a radiator, or in certain applications, a gas decompresser. The cycle is run continuously as heat is removed from the component that needs to be cooled. The fact that oil boils at a higher temperature than basic water allows for this design to have additional applications in modern industry. An additional component of this design is gas cooling, which can be substituted when an additional range of temperature operation is desired.

A heat exchanger is a technique in which heat is transferred from one object to another. The two sides of this "transaction" can be separated by a sort of wall, or they can come in direct contact with each other. The heat exchanger method relies primarily on air to cool the medium that has absorbed the transferred heat. A heat exchanger cooling design may incorporate a parallel-flow design or a counter-flow design. Internal tubes in a heat exchanger may either seek to add heat to a medium or absorb it, depending on the application.

Air cooling is different from the above designs in that its' main function is to remove the heat from the unit it is cooling without an additional medium, such as oil or water. The concept behind this cooling method is to increase the objects' surface area, to allow for increased air flowing over the component. To increase the surface area of the component, "fins" are often added or attached to the design. As long as the air temperature around the equipment is lower than the temperature of these "fins", the heat will transfer into the atmosphere.

Cooling towers are perhaps most associated with the nuclear power-generation industry. These conical-shaped towers are a form of cooling tower that use evaporation of cooling water, transferring unwanted heat into the surrounding atmosphere. This design is most often used wherein a great deal of cooling ability is needed without increasing the temperature of nearby lakes or rivers, which could negatively affect the ecosystem. The ability of wind to dissipate heat over a much greater area is its' biggest design aspect.

Looking for Heat Exchangers, Air Coolers, Industrial Fans, Oil Coolers, Plate Heat Exchangers or any other heat transfer equipment or services? Allied Heat Transfer is an Australian company who excels in the field of heat transfer equipment design and manufacture.

Article Source: By Jack Haymaker

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