Tuesday, December 20, 2011

PTFE Wire The Happy Accident You Use EveryDay

When I reference the abbreviation PTFE, chances are you might not think about what it really stands for. For any typical person, their first guess might be "poor teacher feeling exhausted" or perhaps "proud ticklers fighting exhortation". Chances are, the last thing (the non-scientifically minded) would come up with is polytetrafluoroethylene. That's right, sound it out: polly - tetra -floro - ethel - een.

Polytetrafluoroethylene, otherwise known as PTFE, is a happy accident that you frequently benefit from without even knowing it. When it comes to PTFE, you'd be surprised by how often you use it without thinking. Typically, this is when you take advantage of PTFE wire. But before learning what that is, you might need a quick history lesson on what PTFE is in the first place.

In 1938, a New Jerseyan by the name of Roy Plunkett accidentally invented PTFE when he was trying to make a new chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) refrigerant -- which would typically be referred to as "freon", the trade name for such a substance. As the story goes, the tetrafluoroethylene gas stopped flowing before the bottle's weight indicated that the bottle was "empty". Naturally, Plunkett was curious as to why the bottle suddenly had weight that it shouldn't. Eventuallly, he sawed the bottle in hald and found that it was coated with a white and strangely slippery material. It turns out that the chemicals in the bottle had been polymerized when the iron from the inside of the container acted as a catalyst. Shortly after, in 1945 -- polytetrafluoroethylene was known by the trademarked named,"Teflon"

One of the material's first uses was in the Manhattan Project, where scientists endeavored to engineer the first atomic bomb. In this application, it was used as a coating for valves and seals on the pipes in uranium enrichment plants that would eventually provide the uranium needed for the bomb.Years later, PTFE was used for a much more domestic purpose when a French engineer created the first pan coated with it. Because of PTFE, non-stick pans are possible.

While you might be aware of these nonstick pans, we will return to the original topic of discussion: ptfe wires. PTFE wires are used every day in all kinds of situations because of one lucky little accident made by Plunkett so many years ago. Because of his "mistake" PTFE wire just so happens to boast fantastic chemical resistance, better electrical properties, and operating temperatures up to 500°F.

While I won't get into aspects like flame propagation or smoke generation, with all of the positive characteristics of PTFE wire combined, it all comes together to make it something we all take advantage of every day. It is a seemingly ubiquitous technology we hardly acknowledge (but couldn't live without), and it all began as an accident. Would you believe that?

Chances are you're reading this article on a computer while using the internet. There you go again, taking advantage of PTFE wire. When you drive home or to the store, chances are you'll benefit from it as well. Finally, when you sit down on the couch and turn on the television, you will again be taking advantage of PTFE wire. You see, PTFE has been used to for LAN cable, coaxial cables, hook-up wire, automotive cabling, appliance wires, and so much more.

So next time you open your car-hood, take a look at the inside of your computer, or turn on your television -- take a moment to think about the many intricate little things (like PTFE wire) that make our world work. How many of them do you think were simple accidents, stumbled upon by curious scientists like Plunkett? Chances are you'd be surprised.

Mark Dovakin is a writer and history buff who frequently writes about science, technology, and the history of it all. Most recently, he has researched and written about the use and discovery of PTFE wire and how it affected our modern world.

Article Source: By Mark D Dovakin

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