Tuesday, January 3, 2012

National Science Foundation Offers The Geoinformatics Solicitation Grant

Geoinformatics is the science and technology of developing and using information service sciences in addressing the issues linked to geography, geosciences as well as other branches associated to engineering.

The Division of Earth Sciences, under the supervision of the National Science Foundation, is among the actual departments that deal with the promotion and enhancement of the country's Geoinformatics-related programs.

The Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) has constituted means to promote the creation of cyberinfrastructure building activities aimed to eventually enable transformative advances in geosciences research and education.

In line with this objective, the EAR has built a solicitation program with a total anticipated budget of $4,800,000 that will award 5 to 10 eligible applicants the funds that they need in developing their geosciences-related projects.

The aforementioned solicitation program will not support hardware development or major hardware purchases but will normally comprise these particular inclusions:

a) Identify targeted user communities and describe how the proposed activity will address the community's unmet needs

b) Exhibit exemplary awareness and thorough knowledge of present informatics infrastructure and developments that could impact the proposed activity

c) Establish plans for the integration and compatibility of the proposed geoinformatics platform within current geoinformatics projects and activities.

Interested applicants are strongly recommended to contact the program officers of the EAR at the Grants.gov website to be able to discuss their ideas and seek further clarifications.

To be able to take part in this program, applications and proposals need to be electronically submitted to the Grants.gov website on or before January 13, 2012.

Individuals and organizations in the following categories will be regarded as eligible applicants:

a) Universities and colleges accredited by the government and located in the US and its territories

b) Non-profit, non-academic organizations including museums, research laboratories, professional societies and similar organizations located in the US and are directly associated with educational or research activities

c) For-profit organizations including strong businesses with strong capabilities in scientific or engineering research education

d) State and Local Governments including state educational offices and local school districts

e) Unaffiliated individuals like independent scientists educators and engineers in the US

As stated in the objectives of the Geoinformatics solicitation program in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, the program aims to bolster and enhance the national scientific enterprise via the constant growth of fundamental knowledge and increased comprehension of the complex Earth systems through the assistance of various research opportunities.

The National Science Foundation, otherwise referred to as the NSF, is the agency funding the Geoinformatics solicitation program. The NSF is constantly working into the promotion of the progress of science, the progression of national health, prosperity and welfare, and lastly the noble process of securing the nation's defense.

The primary objective of the Geoinformatics solicitation program is to improve the conduct of research in the field of geosciences by constantly providing support to community-created cyberinfrastructures which in turn integrates knowledge management across the geosciences. Which explains why this solicitation program is very much in keeping with the NSF's effort to promote the nation's interest in the many fields of science.

Article Source: By Iola Bonggay.

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