Monday, December 19, 2011

Entrust Life to God

Now, naturally, we are not people full of contentment. We are not. We are full of discontent. I experienced this as I looked back on my life this past week. It is a natural thing not to be satisfied. The first thing I wanted was a Tiger Joe tank. I begged my parents for it. They gave it to me. Guess what? I wasn't satisfied. I was still discontented. And then I wanted an Ambassador 5,000 fishing reel. I found it on sale at Kmart. They gave me that but it didn't satisfy. Four years later leisure suits came in style. There was a lime green one in my favorite store, Fashions Unlimited. Lisa told me lime green was her favorite color. I got it, but it didn't satisfy.

They asked Rockefeller one day how much it would take to satisfy him. He answered, just a little bit more. We have got to learn to be content. Paul learned the secret of contentment. Paul was not into the when and then thinking. A lot of us are into when and then thinking. When I get the job, then I will be happy. When I get the raise, then I will be happy. When I get the house, then I will be happy. When I get married, then I will be happy. Learn to be content.

Number four. Practice giving in faith. Here is what it says in Proverbs 3:9 & 10. "Honor the Lord by giving Him the first part of all your income and He will fill your barns." This is the principle of multiplication. The Bible says that if you give God the first part of your income, He will multiply your finances. You give God the first part of your day, spending time with Him, He will multiply your time. We still say to God, though, that when He meets our needs, then we will give. God tells us that is backwards. We give and then He will meet our needs. Practice giving in faith.

Number five. Trust Him with my financial life. It always blows me away how people will trust God with their eternity but they won't trust Him with their finances. Fellowship Church Grapevine teaches us that the Bible says that your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well what you need. And He will give it to you if, and here is the premise, you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to.

by: Ed Young

Ed Young Pastor said,People who are having sex outside of marriage or people who are disobeying God in other ways and are expecting to claim Philippians 4:19, I'm sorry, it won't work.

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