Monday, December 19, 2011

Funeral Sermon Outlines Cremation

I remember the first funeral that I ever performed. I was so insecure. How do you comfort someone that is hurting so much? How to you point the family and friends to Christ while staying sensitive to their trauma? How do you offer hope?

I called my dad and explained my situation to him. He has been a pastor for close to thirty years and he always been excellent at comforting those that have experienced loss. He sent me a few different funeral outlines that he created and would regularly reference when he was called to perform a funeral. When I saw the notes I was amazed!

As I read through the notes I realized that the content was exceptional…however it was a little bit scattered. I was quickly able to compile a set of notes that I could use for the upcoming funeral that I was to perform.

After the funeral was over I had many people coming up to me telling me that they felt so much comfort and hope after hearing me speak. Others came to me saying that they had made a commitment to Christ. I felt that Isaiah 55:11 was true when it says that God Word does not return void but it accomplishes what God desires…because I certainly could NOT take credit for that success.

Over the next several funerals that I performed I continued to tweak and refine the notes. I realized that each funeral would need to be tailored slightly for that individual, so I created a way to make that possible with little effort. Through these efforts the services were providing hope and comfort for those that were mourning.

A few years later a colleague of mine found himself the same situation that I had been in…getting ready to do a funeral and feeling unprepared. He was complementing me on my ability to connect so well with the family and offer hope to the hurting. I simply told him about my set of notes, and said that my job was pretty easy.Grab A Copy Click here

He asked me if he could have a copy of the notes. I was hesitant. It wasn't that I didn't want to help him, but I wasn't sure how well it would work for someone else. I didn't want to give him a false hope of success. After pondering it I decided to give him my notes.

I happened to be at the funeral that he spoke at and I was amazed at how well he did!

He came to me after the service was over and said that so many people were touched by the service, and he thanked me for the help. I honestly felt like I hadn't done all that much!

Though I still wasn't sure if this set of notes could help all ministers, I decided to make it available to a few select pastors for their review. All I can say is that they have responded with great appreciation.

These notes are not for someone that is simply looking for a prewritten sermon that they can read aloud. These note are for people that want to perform funerals that point towards a closer relationship with Christ and offer hope to the grieving. You will need some basic public speaking skills…however, you don't need to be a master…I am far from it! You simply need to be able to connect one thought with the next in a logical manner.

by: Daniel Splack

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