Monday, December 19, 2011

An Incredible Experience

So I get Lisa home and we are sitting in the driveway while I try to get up enough courage to kiss her. I looked at my watch and suddenly it was 7:55pm. My home was 16 miles away! But I didn't really worry. About 8:05 we kissed. It was a magical moment because the next thing I remember was looking at my watch and finding it was 8:20pm. I told Lisa I had to go, I was breaking the law and breaking my parent's advice. I gave her a quick kiss, jumped in my Mom's station wagon, which by the way, had a 455 under the hood. Do you remember back when the speed limit was 55, you know, when Jimmy Carter was President? I was just flying. I wasn't that worried because my Dad was a pastor. Since it was Wednesday night, I knew that he would have meetings scheduled after church. I knew that I could easily get past my Mom. She was so sweet, genteel and nice. There I was just advertising my autonomy driving along at 85 miles per hour.

Now we lived kind of out in the country and I pulled into what would be considered our neighborhood. I went around a rather sharp turn and suddenly I passed a car that looked amazingly like my father's car. But then I reassured myself that was impossible. My father never comes directly home from church. It did scare me enough to say a quick prayer. I prayed to God that was not my father. I prayed it in Jesus' name.

I pulled into the driveway and was ecstatic that my father's car was not there. I bound into the kitchen and apologized to my mother for being late. My mother in her Mississippi accent said, "Ed, where have you been? We have been worried about you." I said, "Mom, I am sorry I am late. Dad had a meeting at church, right?" She replied, "Ed, he is out looking for you." Suddenly, and I will never forget this sight, I looked and reflecting on the pine trees were the headlights of my father's car which was screaming up the driveway. Ed Young remembered then in kind of a Starkey and Hutch power turn he stopped the car. He got out of the car and said, "Keys. Driver's license." I took my wallet out to try to find my license and he told me to give him the whole wallet. He said, "Edwin Barry Young, you disobeyed me.

by: Ed Young

You disobeyed the law. You disobeyed your mom. Your summer, Ed Young Jr, is mine. For the next two weeks you will be out front in our flower bed (it was really a weed bed) and you will be pulling nut grass from sunup to sundown.

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