Tuesday, January 3, 2012

MiztaPEE Review of Intro to EM Book by Griffiths

Introduction to Electrodynamics is a great course in electromagnetism written by great David J. Griffiths. He writes about electromagnetism in a concise, easy style, and, as a rule, tries to create a physical picture of the ideas explored before delving into the underlying mathematics used to describe them. The discussion is accompanied by many examples and exercises that definitely help the readers apply the material they've learned. This textbook is definitely counts as one of the really good ones when it comes to beginner introductions to electrodynamics and will serve as a great reference for years to come.

This textbook presumes that the reader has knowledge of elementary calculus, but introduces to the reader the ideas of vector analysis which form the necessary mathematical background to learn from most of the book. This is the most well-received introductory textbook on electricity and magnetism, and has won that eminence by being an uncomplicated, educational and thorough introduction to topic. The introduction to the mathematics is extremely useful, not only for applying the physics but also for learning applied mathematics and for learning other branches of physics and understanding the basis of the mathematics used. This introduction actually does a better job of explaining vector mathematics than most other textbooks used in undergraduate calculus studies - those specifically written for this subject - that's how clear Griffiths is!

The foremost concern about the text is that the solutions to the book's exercises are only found in the instructor's handbook.This introduction is a marvellous complement to an undergraduate-level| electrodynamics class and a wonderful reference on the subject matter, but somebody self-learning from the book might not be able to solve all of the end-of-chapter problems without access to the solutions or a knowledgeable mentor as guide. But, it's good to know that the elemental problems can be simply untangled with the guidance of the in-chapter examples. Basically, if you have access to the solution manual of even if you do not, you will get the material. If you need it, you can find help on internet discussions and forums, from a mentor by thinking about things on your own for a little longer than usual.

Introduction to Electrodynamics is the best introductory text to electromagnetism there is and a fantastic beginning for anyone interested in understanding the subject. I strongly suggest purchasing this text for your course if it is required and even if it is just a recommended book - you will use it many times. For the amateur, I do recommend this text if you want to solve puzzles and understand the workings of electricity & magnetism in a mathematical way.

For a more in-depth review of Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths visit whichtextbook.com, a website dedicated to finding the best way to learn, the best textbooks and self-learning.

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