Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Unified Field Theory For Philosophy

Einstein had his Theory of Relativity, and physicists have been trying to develop a better Unified Field Theory ever since then. The greatest philosophy books, it could be said, and the most well- known religious texts around the world, have attempted to do the same thing, though in regards to the spiritual nature of man and the over-all meaning (or lack of a deeper meaning) to morality and life. Lawyer and author Earle Josiah's latest book, The Power and Freedom of the Human Spirit: Introducing Another Theory of Everything attempts to do the same. If you enjoy reading intriguing books on philosophy, the meaning of human life, and the power of the human will and spirit, this is a book you'll want to add to your personal libraries.

Whether you ultimately agree or disagree with his conclusions, the author presents very well researched and cognitive arguments to support his main thesis that spirit is the driving force of human nature and gives power and vitality to the human body. Though he uses the term "spirit," and sometimes the word "soul," Josiah does not necessarily mean to give these two words a religious connotation, at least as far as I can gather. He is just referring to something he feels makes us humans, and not merely bags of skin and bones, driven solely by instincts.

What are some of the topics covered in Josiah's book? I won't go into much detail about every chapter, as you can buy the book and see for yourself more in-depth what the author's views are, but I'll mention a little bit about a couple of the chapters to give you and idea what the book is like.

The first chapter, for instance, "An Active and Enterprising Spirit," is about the theory I've already mentioned, that "Spirit is the supreme driving force of human nature." Also, possessing "an active and enterprising spirit," is crucial to ensure "the regular and efficient operation of our human powers." And "will," being "an expression of spirit," is also "the efficient cause of productive human activity."

Chapter Four, "Spirit Power Manifests Through the Mind," opens with the statement: "Spirit is the dynamic power that manifests through the human mind." The author equates "spirit power" with "mind power," writing that: "the powerful expression of mind is one of the highest values of life." Also, his belief is that "the mind's powers are relatively easy to develop and simple to use." He gets into a discussion of some of the ways the mind can be developed, like through meditation: "Meditation results in the reorientation of the mind and consciousness."

One other chapter I found especially interesting is one called "How to Develop Greater Awareness," which is Chapter Eight. The author writes that: "to be able to grasp the hidden realities of life," people "must develop greater awareness." This might sound as if the author is combining Eastern and Western beliefs and philosophies, and I'd say that's because he is, but he's taking what he believes is the best about both and using them to develop his own particular "Theory of Everything." He recognizes the important contributions that past philosophers have made to the understanding of the power and freedom of the human spirit, and he readily acknowledges their contributions to the development of the theory he expresses in his book.

The Power and Freedom of the Human Spirit: Introducing Another Theory of Everything is a Must-Read book to include on your reading list if you're interested in reading books about philosophy. It might even be a book whose wisdom ends up changing your life and your outlook on yourself, humanity, and the world, for the better-who knows? Check it out today!

Article Source: By Douglas Cobb.

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